Hello, bright and ambitious students! Are you ready to take your academic journey to new heights? We have fantastic news for you! Introducing the Abdullahi Tanko Memorial Scholarship, an opportunity like no other. The Abdullahi Tanko Umaru Memorial Scholarship is a significant initiative designed to support students in need, particularly those pursuing their education in the humanities and social sciences. This scholarship is not just a financial aid program but also a tribute to the legacy of Abdullahi Tanko Umaru, reflecting his commitment to education, dedication, and societal change.

Benefits of Abdullahi Tanko Umaru Memorial Scholarship

  1. Expanding Educational Access:
    One of the key themes encompassed by the Abdullahi Tanko Memorial Scholarship is the importance of expanding educational access. In many parts of the world, talented and bright students may not have the means to pursue higher education due to financial constraints. This scholarship aims to address this gap by providing financial assistance to deserving students, enabling them to attend university or college without the burden of worrying about tuition fees. By focusing on supporting and empowering exceptional students, the scholarship creates opportunities for individuals who may have otherwise been denied access to higher education.
  2.  Fostering Academic Excellence:
    The Abdullahi Tanko Memorial Scholarship also promotes the cultivation and celebration of academic excellence. The scholarship is not just about providing financial aid; it also serves as a platform for students to showcase their intellect, drive, and passion for learning. By encouraging students to excel in their academic pursuits, the scholarship recognizes and rewards their hard work and dedication. Through this emphasis on academic excellence, the scholarship plays a role in fostering a culture of learning and intellectual growth.
  3. Promoting Leadership and Community Involvement:
    The Abdullahi Tanko Memorial Scholarship goes beyond academic achievements; it also recognizes the importance of leadership and community involvement. Scholars are often expected to actively contribute to their communities and utilize their skills and knowledge to generate positive change. Through various activities and programs, the scholarship promotes leadership development and encourages scholars to make a difference in the world around them.
  4. Encouraging Diversity and Inclusion:
    Diversity and inclusion are central to the values of the Abdullahi Tanko Memorial Scholarship. The scholarship aims to support exceptional students from diverse backgrounds, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, or socioeconomic status. By prioritizing diversity, the scholarship helps create a more inclusive educational environment where different perspectives, experiences, and ideas can thrive. It recognizes the importance of embracing diversity as a means to foster innovation, understanding, and collaboration.
  5. Long-Term Impact and Legacy:
    Lastly, the Abdullahi Tanko Memorial Scholarship is more than just a financial award. It embodies the legacy of Abdullahi Tanko and the impact he made during his lifetime. The scholarship aims to create a lasting impact by producing a generation of educated leaders, changemakers, and problem solvers who can contribute to the betterment of society. By investing in the education and development of exceptional students, the scholarship becomes a catalyst for positive change and a testament to the power of education.


 Key Features:

  1. Target Group: The scholarship primarily targets first- and second-year students enrolled in tertiary institutions.
  2. Field of Study: It is specifically aimed at students who are pursuing courses in the humanities and social sciences. This focus underscores the importance of these fields in understanding and addressing societal issues.
  3. Financial Support: The scholarship provides monetary assistance to students. The exact amount and nature of the financial support can vary, and it’s designed to help alleviate the financial burdens associated with tertiary education.


Selection Process:

Year of Study: Applicants must be in their first or second year of tertiary education.

Field of Study: Enrollment in the humanities or social sciences is mandatory.

Academic Performance: Interestingly, there is no minimum CGPA requirement, making the scholarship accessible to a wider range of students, including those who may have faced academic challenges.

 Required Documents

Essay Submission:

  • What are your academic and career goals, and how have your friends and family
    influenced and inspired them? (500 words maximum)
  • What does “leaving a good legacy behind” mean to you? (500 words maximum)
  • Describe a problem you have solved or a problem you would like to solve. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution (500 words maximum).



Proof of enrollment in a tertiary institution and other relevant academic records are typically required.


How to Apply

 If you are interested and qualified, follow these steps. To apply, go to Abdullahi Tanko Umaru Memorial Scholarship



See more latest Scholarship: https://info-indo.com/category/scholarship-and-job/

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